
Legal consultation

Are you a refugee from Afghanistan and have questions about your asylum and residence rights? We offer you professional support. Our experienced legal advisor is available to you every in our consultation hours. We offer advice in German or English, a language mediation for Farsi/Dari is also available.

We look forward to your visit.

The project is funded by the Integration Fund of the District Office Mitte of Berlin. The Integration Fund is a measure from the overall concept for the integration and participation of refugees of the Senate of Berlin.

Sprengelstraße 15,
13353 Berlin, 1st floor.

By appointment only


Registration is required and can
be done online or by e-mail to

Social Counseling

Are you looking for advice and support with social problems? We offer open social counseling for refugees from Afghanistan who have difficulties dealing with the job center, social welfare office or unclear notices.

Our social counselor is available every Monday from 10 am to 1 pm. We support you with topics such as translating official letters, filling out forms, applying for parental benefits, child benefits, job center benefits and more.

Registration is not required.

The project is funded by the Integration Fund of the District Office Mitte of Berlin. The Integration Fund is a measure from the overall concept for the integration and participation of refugees of the Senate of Berlin.

Sprengelstraße 15,
13353 Berlin, 1st floor.

10 am – 1 pm

Registration is not required
If you have any questions, contact us
on 0176 60404145 or via e-mail to

Family counseling

Family counseling is a special service we offer for people from Afghanistan seeking advice. It is aimed at parents, guardians, children and adolescents. We know that families can face various challenges, be it in terms of parenting, communication or conflicts. Our experienced counselors specialize in offering you support in these areas. Our team understands your needs and speaks Farsi/Dari to ensure you feel understood and enjoy a familiar atmosphere.

Registration is not required.

The project “At eye level” is supported by funds from the district integration fund of the district Berlin-Lichtenberg. The integration fund is a measure of the overall concept for the integration and participation of refugees of the Senate of Berlin.

Interkulturelles Familienzentrum „aufatmen“
Schottstr. 2
10365 Berlin

12.30 pm – 2:30 pm

Registration is not required

If you have any questions, contact us
on 0176 60404145 or via e-mail to